
GRAND SLAM TEAM 2025 (Formerly 50TH Anniversary Team)
Note: Mixed ability team with school varsity and ranked players. The Prague and Spanish tournaments will count toward your UTR rating in the States.
Wimbledon, London
Prague, Czech Republic
Utrecht, Holland (short trip ends here)
Castelldefels and Barcelona, Spain
6/27 - 7/13 (short trip) or 6/27- 7/22
Note: Must be at least 2-3 stars on tennisrecruiting.net or top 100 in your USTA Section. Flexible dates from 17-25 days, so use European red clay to improve your mental toughness and strategy for your hardcourt game. The 4 tournaments in Prague and Spain all count toward your UTR rating in the States.
Castelldefels and Barcelona, Spain
Prague, Czech Republic (short trip ends here)
Leiden, Holland or Germany​
6/28 - 7/13 (short trip) or 6/28- 7/22